ICE® images start to show themselves within a few seconds
of a freezer or cooler door opening (or any chilled glass hitting
ambient air) and remain visible for as long as the door stays
open and up to several minutes after the door closes, depending
upon environmental conditions.
Not only does VISUAL ICE® deliver a “cool factor” way
beyond anything seen in the industry for years, but it also provides:
• The ability to be applied on virtually ANY existing freezer or cooler
• Huge ad sizes (limited only by the size of the door)
• Clear-aisle compatibility with nothing sticking out or cluttering the
• Interactivity encouraging the consumer to open the door
• 100% COMPLIANCE! That’s right, once it’s applied it CAN’T
be taken
off by a competitor, mischievous child or store manager. Only a
merchandiser can take it off and then it comes off in just minutes.